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Body Spring

Patented Healing Fitness System Developed by a Doctor of Physical Therapy on a Mission to Improve Lives

Align multiple joints simultaneously.
    One-of-a-kind system to release your fascia.
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How Are We Different?
    Referred Pain

The secret destruction of your Joints and Tendons

Referred pain is when the root cause of your problem is not coming from the area in which you feel it.

PressEX addresses referred pain pathways.

Experience the feeling of connection with our pressure point PressEX system. Get to the root cause today!

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Let Our Client's Tell You

Is this right for YOU?

  • Want to break up deep knots?
  • Feel your body misaligned?
  • Looking for a competitive edge in your hobby?
  • Looking to breaking deeper into your form for your sports passion?
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PressEX: How It Works

Experience Your Body's Best Kept Secret FASCIA
  • Your body's inner 3-demensional fabric
  • Wraps through every inch of your body
  • Governs movement quality and pain

Discover the benefits of fascia exercise using PressEX


Personalize your plan. Let us guide you to joint or sport specific goals.


Align your joints with our patented PressEX Bars


Activate stabilizing muscles with our fascia framework.


Thrive by living your best life!

It Works on Biomechanics!

We guide you through the fascial pathway to release your connective tissue.
    >> Feel a new sense of activation and stability!
      What Body Areas do we Address?

Story of Body Spring

Fascia caught Dr. Meena's attention before she became a physio therapist, when a special technique instantly relieved her hip pain.

This sparked her quest to comprehend biomechanical pain relief. But once a physical therapist, she began doubting if traditional therapy truly addressed all painful conditions.

Wanting to avoid medications and surgery led her to delve deeper into fascia, resulting in years of clinical testing and the creation of new techniques based on observed patterns using both new and established sciences.

These methods helped her and then her clients, offering the potential for swift pain relief.

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